<% Dim strConfirmation strConfirmation = "" If Request("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then dim strTo, strFrom, strBcc, strCc, strSubject strTo = request.form("email") strFrom = "info@sherpabrandmarketing.com" 'strBcc = "" strBcc = "info@sherpabrandmarketing.com" strSubject = request.form("subject") If not IsValidEmail(strTo) then strTo = strBcc End if 'strConfirmation = "

To: " & strTo & "
From: " & strFrom & "
Bcc: " & strBcc & "
Subject: " & strSubject & "

" SendFormConfirmation strTo, "", strBcc, strFrom, strSubject strConfirmation = "

The information has been submitted successfully. Thank you!

" end if %>
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Contact Form<% =strConfirmation %>

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main 864-335-5089, toll free 877-522-0622